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500 Plastic MX-3

Prodigy Disc

12 På lager
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500 Plastic MX-3

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The Prodigy Disc MX-3 is a slightly overstable, beaded midrange that is engineered for high-level controllability and performance, meeting the demands of professionals while providing benefit to varying classes of players.

The MX-3 is designed to be highly resistant to torque, ideal for players who throw with force and need to avoid turnover. Headwinds are no match for the MX-3, with a slightly overstable to straight flight that still offers an impressive amount of glide, especially when thrown on anhyzer and flex lines. Its beaded rim provides a comfortable grip, smooth release, and consistent stability.

The MX-3 is a trailblazer, defining the path for more MX Series discs to come. For those familiar with our M Series Midrange discs, the MX-3 packs similar stability to the M2, with more glide and fades later in its flight path. Expand your midrange game with new Prodigy MX-3.

500 Plastic
500 Plastic has been in development for quite some time, formulated and based on carefully considered player feedback. It has a stiffer, less gummy feel than 400 Plastic. This provides an extremely confident grip on the flight plate, balancing just the right amount of flex and firmness, with a very solid feeling rim that we believe disc golfers are going to love. 500 Plastic has a uniquely pearlescent finish, unlike anything else in the Prodigy Disc plastic line.

Approved Date: May 7, 2019
Max Weight: 180.1gr
Diameter: 21.7cm
Height: 1.9cm
Rim Depth: 1.3cm
Rim Thickness: 1.4cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 18.9cm

Prodigy Disc

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.

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