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ACE Line Diskgolf Startsett

Prodigy Disc

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ACE Line Diskgolf Startsett

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Testhjørnet med Lars fra Krokholdgs.no
Diskene i dette settet var stabile/overstabile. For helt nye spillere som ikke har så høy hastighet i kastene sine så vil jeg ikke anbefale dette settet. Puttern og midrangen fungerer ok til nye spillere, mens driveren trenger litt trøkk for å gå langt.

Settet er perfekt for de som har lyst til å teste ut disker fra Prodigy, for nye spillere som kommer fra en idrettsbakgrunn eller som ser for seg at de har litt krutt i armen.

Produsenten sin beskrivelse
ACE Line Diskgolf Startsett består av tre disker, som alle passer godt til nybegynnere. Diskene er designet for å kunne bli brukt av alle ferdighetsnivåer, og i en plast som sikrer et godt grep under alle forhold.

Farger og vekt varierer!

Disker i settet

  • P Model S BaseGrip - Speed 3 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2

The P Model S may have more glide than any other putter on the market coupled with a straight flight and subtle fade. With a slimmer profile and small bead on the rim, it feels great in the hand and offers a consistent, clean release for drives, approaches, and putts. The glide makes it a great putter, as it stays in the air to find chains from short and longer distances. It also has a soft fade, so you can trust it is going to finish toward the basket. Its comfortable grip, impressive glide, and reliability will make it an instant favorite. P Model discs are made for accuracy at close range while offering elite glide and comfort in the hand. These discs will help you find a go-to for short drives, approaches, and putts.

P Model discs are made for accuracy at close range while offering elite glide and comfort in the hand. These discs will help you find a go-to for short drives, approaches, and putts.

  • M Model S BaseGrip - Speed 6 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 3

Everybody needs a workhorse in the woods, and the M Model S is it. It has a neutral to slightly overstable flight with little turn and slight fade to help players throw different shot shapes by changing the release angle. When in doubt, it will be a disc you reach for thanks to its versatility, straight flight, and soft finish.

Players will be able to navigate tight fairways or throw longer approaches with confidence. Work with it at any angle to hit that perfect line. With a slightly larger diameter than drivers, M Model discs are designed for control and provide a great tool for players to learn different disc flights on both drives and approach shots

  •  F Model S BaseGrip - Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3

The F Model S has a stable flight and is ready to navigate any fairway with pinpoint accuracy and incredible control. This disc will be perfect for learning how to throw hyzerflip shots that fly straight as an arrow. Thrown hard with a slight hyzer angle, the disc will pop up to flat and ride straight with a mild fade. Players can also get a slight turn by throwing it flat. Just pick your line and hit the target. F Model discs are a great introduction into drivers. They're made for controlled, accurate shots at a long distance and have a smaller rim for a comfortable grip.

F Model discs are a great introduction into drivers. They're made for controlled, accurate shots at a long distance and have a smaller rim for a comfortable grip.

Prodigy Disc

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.

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