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Aura Synapse

Thought Space Athletics

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Aura Synapse

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Striking a harmonious balance between distance and accuracy, the Synapse represents Thought Space Athletics' flagship entry into the true (pro) distance driver slot. Stable enough to handle big arm speed or stiff headwind, with just a hint of high-speed turn; the Synapse finds its equilibrium as the reliably stable long-bomber in your bag. Bridging the gap between the Animus and your favorite overstable high speed driver, the Synapse is a staple in any bag.

Behind the design
Our "Journey" design pulls inspiration of the odyssey of our lives and how we grow as individuals no matter where that journey takes us. Mushrooms symbolically represent rebirth and transformation which we included in the eerie alien landscape of the composition. Our figure is walking to towards a intricate mandala horizon, signifying the quest end of Zen. 

Aura Plastic
Aura plastic has an opaque look with great durability and good grip, preferred for most drivers and throwers.

Approved Date: Jan 10, 2022
Max Weight: 176.0gr
Diameter: 21.2cm
Height: 1.6cm
Rim Depth: 1.2cm
Rim Thickness: 2.3cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 16.6cm

Thought Space Athletics

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf. Diskene blir produsert av MVP.

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