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BioFuzion Justice

Dynamic Discs

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BioFuzion Justice

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Strong winds will make the most experienced player look like a novice. They have forced us back into the laboratory to solve the midrange question. Our tests have led us here. The Justice is served. The Justice by Dynamic Discs is going to become your new utility disc. It will not turn over. Throw the Justice one time and you will not need to reach for anything else for a short distance, overstable answer.

Shots used for

  • Very overstable approaches
  • Forehands
  • Windy situations
  • Skip shots

Macie Velediaz
The Justice was one of the first discs from Dynamic Discs that I trusted. It is great for forehand approach shots. It's also really reliable in any type of wind. This disc is my favorite in the bag. The stamp is something fun I like to do on the course when I make a cool shot happen or a big putt. Being able to have that “flexing” moment gives me motivation and confidence to keep it going.

Miles Seaborn
Best overstable mid I have ever thrown. Period. Trustworthy in ALL situations and will never leave you doubting!

Lars Somby
Det er ikke så ofte jeg bruker Justice, men når jeg først har bruk for den så er den et viktig verktøy ute på banen. Det er den mest overstabile midrangen jeg har kastet og jeg bruker den hovedsaklig til forehand-innspill og til å flexe meg ut av trøbbel.

BioFuzion plastic is created in an effort to make disc golf more sustainable for the environment while still producing some of the highest quality discs on the market. When our production of Lucid or Fuzion discs doesn’t come out to our high-quality standards, they are melted down and combined to create our BioFuzion plastic. This reduces unnecessary waste and lowers disc golf’s carbon footprint.

Flight Chart

Approved Date: Mar 27, 2015
Max Weight: 176.8gr
Diameter: 21.3cm
Height: 1.7cm
Rim Depth: 1.3cm
Rim Thickness: 1.5cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 18.3cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 6.1%
Rim Configuration: 39.50
Flexibility: 8.96kg

Dynamic Discs

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf. Diskene blir produsert av Latitude 64 i Sverige.

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