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Classic Moonshine Judge - Chris Clemons

Dynamic Discs

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Classic Moonshine Judge - Chris Clemons

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Special Glow in the dark Classic blend.

Why was the Judge named the 2013 Disc of the Year in the Player's Choice Awards? It is incredibly predictable in flying and hitting the chains. It is a fantastic throwing putter that will fly straight and glide for amazing distances. It comes in 7 different plastics so that your preferred feel is available in this disc. Come see why this disc has become so popular and judged other, more well-known discs, to be insufficient.

Dynamic Discs Team Member Review
"The Judge is my favorite disc of all time! The Judge is great for putting and throwing. The Judge gets a lot of glide and has a straight to stable finish when I throw it for tee shots or upshots. When I putt it, it always flies straight with a slight fade at the end. It’s a very predictable putter all around."
- Paige Shue

This is where it all started. The plastic feel that has been around since the beginning of disc golf. Firm discs with exceptional grip in wet or dry conditions. Easy to throw with a very true flight. There is a reason this blend has had such great staying power, it is great.

Approved Date: Dec 7, 2012
Max Weight: 176.0gr
Diameter: 21.2cm
Height: 2.0cm
Rim Depth: 1.5cm
Rim Thickness: 1.1cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 18.9cm

Dynamic Discs

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf. Diskene blir produsert av Latitude 64 i Sverige.

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