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CryZtal Meteor - D4rkhorsemen


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CryZtal Meteor - D4rkhorsemen

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The Meteor is an understable midrange designed for glide and effortless straight flights. In CryZtal blend, the Meteor will break in slowly, making it an easy turning midrange for technical control shots with the durability for a long life of consistent flight. This is a limited run release of the Darkhorse 4-horsemen CryZtal Meteors with the quad stamp.

Robert Leonard, Team Discraft
ESP Meteor. It's hard for me to think of a better midrange disc that this. I can throw any shot I need to with it and know it's not going to suddenly hyzer to suddenly flip over. The ESP Meteor is my "choose one disc for this round" disc.

Kenneth Mize, Team Discraft
ESP GLO Meteor, this disc is one of the most underated discs out there. This is the definition of a point and shoot disc in the woods. Especially in Michigan where a majority of the courses are wooded.

CryZtal Plastic
CryZtal plastic is a premium blend of plastic from Discraft. CryZtal plastic is similar to Z plastic, which is known for its durability and stability, but it is more clear and transparent, and has better flex and grip. CryZtal plastic is only available as tournament fundraisers or special limited edition runs from Discraft.

Some of the benefits of CryZtal plastic are

  • Crystal clear appearance that makes it attractive and easy to spot on the course.
  • Balanced combination of grip and durability, which is ideal for playing in different weather conditions and terrains.
  • More flexible than Z plastic, which means it can be bent and twisted without losing its original shape and form.
  • More stable than other plastics, which means it can handle more power and wind without turning over or fading too much.

Approved Date: Sep 21, 2006
Max Weight: 178.5gr
Diameter: 21.5cm
Height: 2.0cm
Rim Depth: 1.3cm
Rim Thickness: 1.3cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 18.9cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 6.0%
Rim Configuration: 49.25
Flexibility: 6.46kg


Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf

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