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D-Blend Myth

Infinite Discs

3 På lager
29% Rabatt

Tilbudet slutter

Vennligst velg

D-Blend Myth

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The MYTH is the first putter in the Infinite Discs brand lineup and we wanted to start strong. The Myth is a dependable, beaded putter with a comfortable rim that can be used for precision putting, or as a driving putter and approach disc. If your putting game can't be a thing of legend, then at least let it be a thing of Myth. Inspire friends and family to talk about your epic putts around late-night campfires for generations to come.

Additional Information

  • Speed: 2.0
  • Glide: 3.0
  • Turn: 0.0
  • Fade: 2.0
  • Primary Use: Putt & Approach
  • Stability: Stable
  • Recommended Skill Level: Everyone
  • Plastic grade(s): Basic (Cheapest), Durable, Midgrade, Premium
  • Beaded

D-Blend Plastic
D-Blend plastic is a basic, inexpensive plastic blend (compare to Innova DX plastic). It has good grip and medium softness. It is more easily beat-in when used than premium plastics, but it preferred by many players for putters and mid-range discs where grip is important.

Approved Date: Mar 29, 2018
Max Weight: 176.0gr
Diameter: 21.2cm
Height: 2.1cm
Rim Depth: 1.5cm
Rim Thickness: 1.1cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 19.0cm

Infinite Discs

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf

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