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DuraFlex D Model US

Prodigy Disc

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DuraFlex D Model US

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The D Model US is built for beginners and players with slower arm speeds. With its naturally understable flight, the disc will want to turn over and hold before coming out of it to softly glide back toward the ground. The increased glide and soft fade are a perfect combination for players with less power to work on getting the desired flight for maximum distance throws. Players who do have more power can use it for long turnovers and rollers.

D Model discs are built for maximum distance and have a sharp nose and slight dome for increased speed and glide. They also feature medium-depth rim to allow a comfortable grip across different hand sizes.

DuraFlex Plastic
A good premium plastic is durable enough to stand the test of time and the elements while still providing excellent grip. We've hit all those marks with our DuraFlex blend that will continue to feel nice and grippy whether it's the first flight or long after the disc has slowly broken in.

Approved Date: Mar 5, 2020
Max Weight: 174.3gr
Diameter: 21.0cm
Height: 1.6cm
Rim Depth: 1.1cm
Rim Thickness: 2.2cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 16.7cm

Prodigy Disc

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.

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