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DX Firebird


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DX Firebird

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The Firebird is an overstable distance driver which works extremely well into a headwind. It is our most popular upwind distance driver.

The Firebird’s combination of superior speed and stability make it possible to throw drives into the wind with confidence. An excellent disc for throwing long range flex shots. A favorite of sidearm and overhead throwers, too. This disc is designed for professional level players.

Steve Brinster
The Firebird is really fast and truly predictable. If it’s windy and there is trouble around, I pull out my Firebird.

Craig Cutler
Most predictable disc in my bag. Best disc in the wind. Great for sidearm shots. I carry 3. One brand new for headwinds, low skip shots, and sidearms. One semi beat for spike hyzers and 300-350 ft hyzers. I know it won't flip. 5 year old beat champion firebird for straight shots with a slight hyzer finish.

Brian Schweberger
This is my favorite driver! I have thrown this disc over 600ft. It is my favorite and most predictable rolling disc. My best disc for over-hand thumbers. The best disc for any headwind.

Christian Dietrich
If you need to throw a driver in a howling headwind, reach for the Firebird like all the top pros. There isn’t any driver remotely close to the Firebird in the wind, as a sidearm driver, for knife hyzers, and for overhand shots. If I ever see a player without a Firebird, I make sure they know what they’re missing!

Best Choice for

  • Headwind drives
  • Flex shots
  • Big hyzers

DX Plastic
Our DX line offers the widest selection of models and weights. These discs are affordably priced and provide an excellent grip in a variety of weather situations. DX discs wear in with usage and over time will eventually take on new and varied flight characteristics. Many top pros carry several DX discs of their favorite models to provide different flight patterns for different situations.

  • Provides superior grip that performs well in most weather situations
  • Wears in progressively to provide new and varied flight characteristics
  • Most economically priced of our plastic lines
  • Offered in the widest range of weights and disc models

Hvis formen på disken skiller seg ut fra normalen så informerer vi om det i variantnavnet

  • Domey
    • Mer dome enn normalen. Mer understabil enn normalen.
  • Normalen
    • Svak dome. Overstabil.
  • Flat
    • Flatere enn normalen, men ikke helt flat. Mer overstabil enn normalen.
  • FlatTop
    • Paddeflat. De mest overstabile Firebirdene.

Approved Date: Mar 21, 2000
Max Weight: 175.1gr
Diameter: 21.1cm
Height: 1.4cm
Rim Depth: 1.2cm
Rim Thickness: 1.9cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 17.3cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 5.7%
Rim Configuration: 26.75
Flexibility: 9.75kg


Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.

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