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Total Eclipse Hex - Leapin Lizottl Halloween Dracula/Viking

Axiom Discs

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Total Eclipse Hex - Leapin Lizottl Halloween Dracula/Viking

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Maks 2 stk. pr. kunde! Hvis samme kunde kjøper mer enn to disker så vil overskytende ordre/vare bli fjernet. Vi regner med at dette vil være en populær release. Hvis to kunder avslutter handlekurven sin omtrent samtidig så er det mulig at samme disk blir solgt flere ganger. Hvis det skulle vise seg at vi får dobbeltsalg så vil den som var raskest få disken. E-post vil bli sendt til den som avluttet ordren sist med informasjon om at ordren er kansellert. Hvis det er flere produkter på ordren så tar vi kontakt og hører om kunden vil ha restordren, eller om vi skal kansellere den.

Produsenten sin beskrivelse
“Come on guys, they give out the best candy down in the Maple Valley! I’ve heard they even have German candy bars this year!” 

A double feature of World Champions is great, but it can’t be complete without a sweet treat! Mike Inscho and Simon Lizotte are back for a sequel to the hottest disc of the year, this time with a few delightfully spooky twists! Not only have we decided to kick things into overdrive with the Total Eclipse Hex - featuring both color glow cores (Blue, Aqua, White, Purple) and rims (Blue, Aqua, White, Purple, Green) - we also have four new, adorable stamp variations featuring the trick-or-treating Leapin’ Lizottl’! Grab your favorite or collect the whole set, but don’t wait too long, lest they vanish like a ghost right before your eyes!

Simon’s first Team Series disc with us had to be something he truly loved, we thought it might be a long process. We thought wrong! It was love at first throw for Simon and the Eclipse Hex, and we are beyond excited to bring this amazing midrange to GYROnauts everywhere. Depicting an extremely excited axolotl, the Leapin’ Liztottl’ is sure to be a fan favorite stamp - adorable levels are off the charts, straight from the mind of Mike Inscho! The Eclipse Hex is the laser straight midrange you’ve been looking for. 

With enough stability to handle power and torque without turning over, and the ability to shape some beautiful anhyzer lines as well, the Eclipse Hex is ready to carve any fairway you come across - including at night thanks to our industry-leading Eclipse glow plastic! Celebrate one of the biggest moves in disc golf history with one of the best midranges on the market - take the leap with us!

Mesmerizingly straight, with flight numbers of 5/5/-1/1, the Hex will find a place in anyone’s bag as a versatile and reliably straight midrange. At the highest arm speeds, the Hex will produce slightly understable lines from flat, but the 1 fade keeps it from flipping over completely. For lower arm speeds, the Hex has enough turn to make shaping lines a breeze. If you are looking for control in the woods, or simply a versatile line shaper, the Hex is the midrange for you. Available in Neutron plastic to start, add some magic to your game with the Hex!


  • Glow CORE unlike MVP Eclipse
  • Vibrant opaque Axiom GYRO® rim
  • Designed for visibility day or night
  • High durability for a long consistent life

Approved Date: Feb 22, 2021
Max Weight: 177.6gr
Diameter: 21.4cm
Height: 1.6cm
Rim Depth: 1.3cm
Rim Thickness: 1.4cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 18.5cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 6.1%
Rim Configuration: 45.00
Flexibility: 11.59kg

Axiom Discs

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf. Axiom Discs er eid av MVP.

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