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Big D for big arms! Created for expert players and windy conditions, NUKE OS (Over Stable) is a super fast driver that rewards power throwers with insane distance potential. Will finish on a hyzer even in strong winds, and offers the most dependable consistency of any high speed driver on the market.

Phillip-Tyler Belt, Team Discraft
Z Sparkle Nuke OS. This is the most overstable disc you’ll throw in your life. I only use this disc forehand mainly for shots under 350ft. Every now and then when the wind is ripping, I’ll throw it backhand. If you want a disc that will never turn over, get this one!

John Kester, Team Discraft
Nuke OS. It changed my thumber game forever. I would give up 100ft in distance if I moved away from it. Great speed and pan when thrown overhand. The Nuke OS was responsible for both my 400ft ace, and both albatross shots during final round at the GCC in Las Vegas. I recommend it for anyone looking to get more distance out of their overhand shots.

ESP Plastic
Pro Caliber, Swirled Color

Approved Date: Jun 9, 2011
Max Weight: 176.0gr
Diameter: 21.2cm
Height: 1.6cm
Rim Depth: 1.2cm
Rim Thickness: 2.5cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 16.2cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 5.7%
Rim Configuration: 30.75
Flexibility: 8.16kg


Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf

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