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Fuzion Orbit Escape Kona Panis Team Series

Dynamic Discs

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Fuzion Orbit Escape Kona Panis Team Series

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Kona Panis
The Escape was the first disc in the Dynamic Discs lineup I fell in love with when I first made the switch. I love how controllable the Escape is, even when discing down from a higher speed disc, the Escape has so much glide that I can get more than enogh distance. Everyone should bag an Escape.

The Stamp
I love birds. Over the last few years, I've enjoyed identifying birds in all the new places we stop across the country. This stamp has a little bit of that love, while breaking out of my comfort zone, represented by the breaking of chains. My new journey with Dynamic Discs was something completely out of my comfort zone, but something I knew would be amazing for my future as a professional disc golfer. This new partnership has been everything I could've dreamed of. I'm proud to be a part of the Dynamic Discs family!

Produsenten sin beskrivelse
One word can summarize the Escape, glide. The description cannot stop there, however. The Escape is a fantastic disc for all levels of skill, power, and distance. It has such an easy release and the glide will keep this disc going even when less power is applied. It can fly on all angles and is even extremely useful as a roller. Break away from your expectations and escape your high scores of the past. Throw with confidence. Throw the Escape.

Dynamic Discs Team Member Review
"The Escape is just a wonderful disc. It offers consistency and elegance. It's a real turnover bird that is easily manipulated for controlled S-curves, anhyzer lines, and straight hyzerflips. And it has glide for days."
- Tero Tommola

Fuzion combines the durability of Lucid with an advanced polymer to form a non-transparent blend of plastic. This plastic also provides players with additional grip.

Approved Date: Dec 7, 2012
Max Weight: 175.1gr
Diameter: 21.1cm
Height: 2.0cm
Rim Depth: 1.1cm
Rim Thickness: 2.0cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 17.1cm

Dynamic Discs

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf. Diskene blir produsert av Latitude 64 i Sverige.

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