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G-Star Leopard


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G-Star Leopard

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The Leopard should be everyone’s first fairway driver as it is has excellent glide and is easy to throw straight and far. The Leopard is a great turnover disc for players of all skill levels. More experienced players can use the Leopard for throwing distance stretching “Hyzer Flip” shots. The Leopard makes a dependable long range roller.

Ryan Lane
The Leopard's shallow rim depth and neutral flight characteristics make it an excellent choice for beginners. I prefer the Leopard for fairway shots I need to turnover smoothly.

Dr. Rick Voakes
The Star Leopard is the best overall disc ever! Incredibly accurate, and can hold a smooth hyzer, or a medium to hard turnover without S-ing back. It can also stay on a very straight line to sneak through a long, straight, and narrow fairway.

Best Choice for

  • Tailwind fairway driver
  • Anhyzer shots
  • Roller shots

G-Star Plastic
G-Star is a blend of Star that adds flexibility and even more grip. G-Star is opaque like Star, but features a pearlescent sheen. Their allure is only surpassed by their beautiful flight. G-Star discs have a smooth, gradual transition in flight and the same durability as our Star line. For cold weather play the flexibility and grip of G-Star cannot be beaten, and even when the weather warms up G-Star still retains similar flexibility.

  • Most comfortable and enhanced grip
  • GREAT for cold weather play
  • Ideal for those with less grip strength
  • Same durability of Star plastic with added flexibility.
  • Retains flight characteristics longer than DX or Pro Plastics
  • Looks amazing

Approved Date: May 12, 1999
Max Weight: 176.0gr
Diameter: 21.2cm
Height: 1.6cm
Rim Depth: 1.1cm
Rim Thickness: 1.6cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 18.0cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 5.2%
Rim Configuration: 29.25
Flexibility: 7.60kg


Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.

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