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Grand Burst Grace - KT1000

Latitude 64

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Grand Burst Grace - KT1000

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This time as the first FPO player in the world to hit a PDGA rating of 1000! We're bursting with pride to have been part of her journey since 2017 and to witness her remarkable achievements. Looking forward to many more milestones together. Congratulations again, we're beyond impressed!

And to commemorate this extraordinary accomplishment, we've created a special celebration disc for Kristin. Available in two stunning colors, gold and silver, featuring this gorgeous design. Get your hands on these limited-editions today!

Produsenten sin beskrivelse
Grace is all about smooth distance. It has the control of a fairway driver, and the distance of a high speed driver. That combined with a neutral flight and great glide makes the Grace a versatile distance driver for the masses. Throw with Grace!

Lars Somby - Team Krokhol Disc Golf Shop og Team Latitude 64
I tillegg til Tattar sin Grand Orbit Team Series versjon av denne disken så har jeg også denne i sekken. Forskjellen mellom de to er at Grand Grace stort sett er mindre stabil enn Grand Orbit Grace. Dette er nok den versjonen jeg kaster mest og bruker til de aller lengste kastene. Jeg har også en veldig innspilt Grand Grace i sekken som jeg bruker til rollere eller når det blåser ekstrem medvind. Hvis jeg føler meg usikker på grunn av mot- eller sidevind eller hvis hullet gjør at jeg kan kaste en hyzer så bruker jeg Grand Orbit Grace, Grand Rive eller Fuzion Enforcer.

  • Innspilt Grand Grace
    • Til rollere og lange kast i sterk medvind
  • Grand Grace
    • Til de lengste kastene
  • Orbit Grand Grace
    • Til lange kast i moderat mot- sidevind og lange hyzerkast

Grand Plastic - The new premium plastic!
Royal Grand is our durable premium plastic with great grip that will not fail you, no matter the outside circumstances. It features a soft feel with a rigid rim part with perfect flex. Furthermore, the Latitude 64° Royal Line takes disc golf quality one step further the innovative NexEdge and NexFeel technologies. The days of sharp flashing are gone as the NexEdge process provides a buttery-smooth feel to the bottom and outer parts of the rim. NexFeel is our new polish technology enhancing the grip and feel of the whole disc surface. Want the best? The Royal discs are made for you.

Approved Date: Dec 14, 2020
Max Weight: 175.1gr
Diameter: 21.1cm
Height: 1.6cm
Rim Depth: 1.1cm
Rim Thickness: 2.2cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 16.6cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 5.2%
Rim Configuration: 30.50
Flexibility: 11.93kg

Latitude 64

Svensk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.

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