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OG Soft Penrose

EV-7 Disc Golf

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OG Soft Penrose

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The Penrose is EV-7's debut putt and approach disc. It has reliable high-speed over stability and resistance to turn, but is uniquely straight with consistent fade at lower speeds on the putting green. With a slightly deeper profile, small bead, and smooth feel, the Penrose fits the hand comfortably, inspiring confidence for both putts and upshots.

Drew Gibson
"The putter that legit changed my game."

OG Blend Plastics
Our premium baseline material, OG Blend is a tactile, grippy blend of TPE's, polymers, and impact resistors for superb grip and a confidence inspiring feel in the hand. It's uniquely durable for a baseline disc golf plastic, standing up to the abuse of metal, tree, and ground strikes. Though resilient, you can expect predictable wear over extended use, allowing for the fine tuning of your disc's flight characteristics. 

OG Blend comes in four different flexes to fit your tactile preference and putting style, OG Soft, OG Base, OG Medium, and OG Firm.

Approved Date: Nov 21, 2020
Max Weight: 175.1gr
Diameter: 21.1cm
Height: 2.1cm
Rim Depth: 1.5cm
Rim Thickness: 1.1cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 18.9cm

EV-7 Disc Golf

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf

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