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Prism Proton Envy - McMahon Team Series Rebirth

Axiom Discs

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Prism Proton Envy - McMahon Team Series Rebirth

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Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Eagle McMahon’s first Official Team Series disc fully embraces the idea of new beginnings and the fire that burns within. Suitably named “Rebirth”, Mike Inscho has beautifully illustrated Eagle’s first triple-foil stamp, featuring an eagle rising from the ashes on his personal mold of choice, the Prism Proton Envy. Don’t miss your chance to snag the very first of what is sure to be a long line of discs that directly support Eagle!

The Envy is a slightly overstable putt and approach disc.

In the cyber future of DoubleRam Design, the allure of improvement is strong. But don’t be too envious, as Fission has finally been brought to Axiom’s Envy! This jaw dropping triple-foil stamp beckons you into the future. It’ll look stunning on your wall, but can you resist the allure of throwing it? We wouldn’t blame you one bit as these discs fly amazingly well, take your driving putter game up a notch with the Fission Envy SE – are you ready to join the collective?

The Envy has a smooth modern feel that fits in the hand perfectly, lending confidence for both putt and approach duties. The Envy exhibits reliable high-speed stability and a minimal fade. With a slightly lower profile and cruising speed than the Ion and Anode class, the Envy is a uniquely “lid-like” stable putter.

The Envy’s defining flight characteristic is its ability to hold a straight flight for power throwers, but also be a dependably stable approach disc for lower power throwers. Its medium depth offers a healthy balance of straight flight paired with an easy clean release. While its flight stability is largely similar to the MVP Ion, the Envy offers an entirely new feel.

Its versatile stability on any type of shot will help the Envy find its way into every Axiom thrower’s bag.


  • Proton rim with variable core materials
  • Shares great durability characteristics of Proton
  • Excellent grip and control
  • Bright translucent candy colors

Approved Date: Jan 12, 2014
Max Weight: 174.3gr
Diameter: 21.0cm
Height: 1.8cm
Rim Depth: 1.4cm
Rim Thickness: 1.1cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 18.8cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 6.7%
Rim Configuration: 52.00
Flexibility: 8.73kg

Axiom Discs

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf. Axiom Discs er eid av MVP.

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