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Star Thunderbird - Jeremy Koling Tour Series


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Star Thunderbird - Jeremy Koling Tour Series

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Big Jerm went retro with the Thunderbird this run. The Koling Thunderbird is just stiff enough for all the flicks while being soft enough to give you all the feel in the flight plate one would need to smash a backhand. As the Koling Thunderbird is known for, these are a bit more overstable than a standard Thunderbird.

The Thunderbird comes from strong bloodlines. The stability of a TeeBird with the speed of a Valkyrie; it can be described as a seasoned Firebird with less fade. The Thunderbird is predictable in wind and a great long range placement driver. Pros will appreciate the shot shaping ability of this driver while less experienced players will find a consistent, predictable flight.

Best Choice for: Accurate drives, Controlled hyzers, Placement shots.

Jeremy Koling
The Thunderbird is a disc that flies with the control of a fairway driver but has the long range capacity of a distance driver. Equally useful for backhand and forehand shots alike. Will definitely be a staple in my bag for years to come.

James Conrad
When I need great control without sacrificing much distance.

Approved Date: Aug 5, 2014
Max Weight: 176.0gr
Diameter: 21.2cm
Height: 1.6cm
Rim Depth: 1.1cm
Rim Thickness: 1.9cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 17.3cm


Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.

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