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StayPut Alpas

Divergent Discs

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StayPut Alpas

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This disc will more successfully “Stay Put” when it hits the ground, lessening the skips and slides. The Alpas is primarily designed as an approach disc, but it can also be used to get through tight fairways without needing to throw hard. It can be used as a putter for players who like an ultra soft disc with a shallow rim and a flat disc profile.

The Alpas is a great choice as an all-around starter disc for new players, or as a specialty disc for experienced players. The ultra soft nature is ideal for safety and makes this disc the perfect choice for schools and indoor disc golf.

The flight rating numbers are 4 | 4 | -2 | 2

StayPut Plastic
StayPut super soft silicone approach disc designed for players of all skill level. Avoid skips and bounces with StayPut.

Approved Date: May 3, 2021
Max Weight: 174.3gr
Diameter: 21.0cm
Height: 1.9cm
Rim Depth: 1.2cm
Rim Thickness: 1.2cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 18.6cm

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