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Yeti Pro Aviar


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Yeti Pro Aviar

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The Yeti Pro Aviar is for Big Bead Aviar lovers looking for a straight flying putter with a lower profile.

The Yeti Pro Aviar is a straight flying putter that works well on the course too. We've developed the Yeti in a firm, grippy blend of Pro blend of plastic. It's somewhere between DX and R-Pro in both grip and firmness. The unique slightly concave top allows for a lower profile and a straighter flight than our other big bead models (KC Pro, JK Pro & Aviar Driver). The grippy firm plastic feels great in your hand in any weather.

Best Choice for

  • Straight flight
  • Enhanced grip
  • Unique concave top

Christian Dietrich
The Yeti is the straight-flying Aviar you've always wanted. Excels as a putter and dead-straight upshot disc, while retaining that signature Aviar flight. Especially comfortable in the hand for players who prefer then, low-profile discs.

Alan Beaver
Don't let the flat, dented top fool you. This disc is stable & the plastic feels great. I use it for short drives and hyzer shots.

Hannah Leatherman
The Yeti fits perfectly in my hand. I like how the middle of the disc dips down. Comfort is key when I am hitting putts.

Yeti Pro Plastic
The Yeti Pro plastic is a firmer version of the soft R-Pro plastic. The perfect mixture between grip and firmness.

  • Provides a terrific all weather grip
  • The grip improves with use
  • More durable and retains flight characteristics longer than our DX plastic
  • More economic than our Champion or Star line plastic

Approved Date: Jan 1, 1987
Max Weight: 176.0gr
Diameter: 21.2cm
Height: 2.0cm
Rim Depth: 1.5cm
Rim Thickness: 0.9cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 19.4cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 7.1%
Rim Configuration: 55.75
Flexibility: 4.59kg


Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.

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