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Z Line Wasp


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Z Line Wasp

Produktet er midlertidig utsolgt. Dersom du ønsker å motta en epost når vi får det inn på lager, kan du legge igjen epostadressen din i skjemaet under.

The Wasp™ is our most popular overstable midrange. Superbly consistent flight characteristics for shots in the 250-350 foot range, you'll want one for windy days or hyzer finishes.

Wesley Shinevar, Team Discraft
The Wasp is my favorite mid range in my bag. After thorwing it for a few seasons it is well used and holds a straight line in a variety of conditions. I think the Wasp doesn't get as much attention as it should due to the popularity of the Buzzz, but a nicely seasoned wasp is just as dependable when you need a straight line that won't turn over or fade out too soon.

Dan Schlitter, Team Discraft
The Z Wasp. The Wasp is so versatile for any straight-overstable shots. I can trust the disc will hold hyzer if I keep the nose down while keeping its excellent glide.

Z Line Plastic

  • Maximum Durability
  • Translucent Color

Approved Date: Sep 29, 2002
Max Weight: 179.3gr
Diameter: 21.6cm
Height: 1.8cm
Rim Depth: 1.3cm
Rim Thickness: 1.2cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 19.2cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 6.0%
Rim Configuration: 37.00
Flexibility: 8.39kg


Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf

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