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Fuzion Raider

Dynamic Discs

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Fuzion Raider

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The Raider is sure to steal its spot in bags of all skill levels. The Raider sits comfortably between the Trespass and Enforcer in stability, and it excels at finishing forward instead of diving at the end of its flight. Players with slower arm speeds will find a dependable, overstable driver that will gain them distance over the Enforcer or Defender, while faster arms will love the Raider as a workhorse driver that is perfect for carrying multiples to cover a variety of shots. Get ready to put some power on your distance shots, and watch the Raider destroy your previous best drives.

About Fuzion
Fuzion combines the durability of Lucid with an advanced polymer to form a non-transparent blend of plastic. This plastic also provides players with additional grip.

Dynamic Discs Team Member Review
"The Raider is game changing - it added an entirely new shot in my bag. It is the perfect complement to the Enforcer. The Raider has added distance, control, and an overall confidence. It is truly a winner in the distance driver game."
- Eric Oakley

“The Raider is a bomber. It is the farthest flying disc out there even for the big arms. It has a nice turn and a solid fade which gives it that extra distance.”
- Chris Clemons

Fuzion combines the durability of Lucid with an advanced polymer to form a non-transparent blend of plastic. This plastic also provides players with additional grip.

Approved Date: Feb 27, 2019
Max Weight: 176.0gr
Diameter: 21.2cm
Height: 1.5cm
Rim Depth: 1.1cm
Rim Thickness: 2.3cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 16.3cm

Dynamic Discs

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf. Diskene blir produsert av Latitude 64 i Sverige.

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